Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Clean & Healthy Office Environment is a Must

Whether it’s your customers, future employees, clients, vendors or suppliers – everyone forms a first impression about your organization according to the overall appearance. If your office exhibits openness and cleanliness, it’s likely to go a long way in helping you win trust of the people you wish to work with.
Clean & Healthy Work Environment Helps in Building Client Trust
It’s not just your portfolio and past record that prospective clients take a good look at. They also notice how people work in your organization, how the information is organized and how clean and open the office space really is. If there’s a mess, they will NOT ignore it. No one wants to work with a company that does not even spend time and money on keeping all doors, windows, computer screens, counter tops, mats, chairs etc. free from dirt. Clients, especially if they’re well established companies would want to deal with businesses that are well-organized and workspace cleanliness is one important aspect of overall organization at the workplace.
Ensure Positive Employee Experience
If an office looks cramped and dirty with molds, dirt and strains all over, employees are certainly not going to enjoy it. A clean office environment helps people overcome the stress and physical exhaustion caused by various assignments on a daily basis. Lack of hygiene does exactly the opposite. Employees who leave a company in frustration do not forget to share issues related to health and hygiene with their friends. Once such sad stories make it to social networking websites, they spread around like wildfire, damaging the company reputation within no time.
Let People Focus on what they do best – Work
While you can develop a system of sending private notes to each employee to keep their work area clean and all else organized on their desks, it’s still important to have a professional company look after cleaning chores on a daily, weekly or seasonal basis. People indeed feel great when they enter a clean office after having seen the mess at the end of the previous day when dozens of customers walked in, files were moved around, pieces of paper or plastics were left unattended on table tops and trash cans were nearly overflowing. It gives them the satisfaction that their personal needs are being taken care of and someone is always working in the background to make sure they walk into a clean office and work on a clean desk everyday!
Keep Everyone Healthy
Health related problems among employees at a work place normally emerge if cleanliness has been ignored completely. If furniture, carpets, desks, bathrooms etc. are not regularly cleaned and kept free from germs and bacteria, chances are 1 or more employees would fall sick or deliver less than they actually can.
It’s absolutely necessary to establish a clearly defined cleaning routine and to do that - you’ll need a dedicated cleaning service provider by your side. We provide a multitude of economical options to businesses in Sydney that wish to outsource cleaning jobs. Feel free to make a phone call at 1300 41 81 41 or request a free estimate right away!